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Our Mission

The mission is to preserve the wisdom and the environment that gave birth to the Secoya and their traditions.


We want to preserve the rain forest for future generations of people, animals, and all forms of life alike; its healing purposes, and as a meeting point to co-create, share knowledge and practice new ways of living within the natural world in communion.


Within the community, we mostly work to maintain the mega diversity of the gardens and forest by sharing the uses of the plants and transmitting their knowledge alongside other traditional practices (handcrafts, sustainable building, permaculture, cooking, etc).


Our intention is that all visitors carry these ideas and insights home with them to bring more "light" to their communities so we can make a global change.


We want to work as a net, where all people involved have access to knowledge. By doing so, we create transparency and peace.


This project started from all the beautiful, powerful, and healing experiences shared with visitors over the last decade.


Thanks to these experiences, some of the elders and their families realized that their knowledge, wisdom and natural heritage have value and began working to keep it alive.

With these families, we are working to set an example and encourage others to maintain their traditional and harmonious ways of life.



 Over the last few years, we were able to start and finish some amazing projects on our land.


  • We built a new traditional community lodge, a Tuike We'e, which is the only one of its kind in Ecuador. It was a huge project that took over six months to complete. 95% of all materials were gathered in the jungle, all of which were harvested by hand and carried on the backs and shoulders. With this building completed, they are now able to cook their foods in a traditional way. The Tuike We'e will also be used as a school, bringing in locals to reestablish the traditional practices: weaving, basket making, making yuca bread, Paicoca classes, English classes, etc.


  • We were able to extend and repair the Yajé We'e (ceremonial lodge). Doing this has provided more space so we can host more people.


  • We began work on a new kitchen, in which most of the supplies are harvested from the jungle.


Next Projects:


  • Finish the kitchen and start production on medicinal plant products and preserved foods. It will be used for our community to create all-natural products to be sold in Quito, to guests, and to hopefully create a network outside of Ecuador.


  • Obtain a Tesla Powerwall so we can have better solar power.  In doing so, we plan to create the first solar-powered canoe in the area. With this canoe, we can shuttle people up and down the river and lower our dependence on petrol.


  • We also want to build a new Yajé Wë'e.  It will be built in the traditional way using wood and palm leaves from the jungle. It is so nice to be able to hold a ceremony in a traditional lodge with a palm leaf roof. It keeps everything cooler, and when it rains it is so quiet you can still hear the elders sing and the sounds of the jungle.

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